What Are The Main Symptoms Of A Bad Or Leaking Valve Cover?

A component that covers the valve train is a valve cover. The function of the valve cover is to protect the engine from oil leakage. Modern valve covers can be produced from stamped metal, cast metal, or molded plastic. The oil used to lubricate the valve train is kept in the valve cover. Oil splashes up against the valve cover before draining back through engine heat ducts. Oil flows downhill and into the oil pan.

For an engine to run effectively, it needs to have enough oil. Valve covers are crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of your engine since they lower engine noise and keep it cool.

Without an A-Premium engine valve cover there is a risk that your engine will overheat from a lack of lubrication or suffer harm from debris getting into the cylinders. Furthermore, if the head and block are not properly sealed, extra oil may leak out, impairing or even causing the failure of some engine parts.

How Severe Is Valve Cover Leak?

It is quite serious. If the oil levels drop too low, continuing to let the leak cause engine harm. Oil can catch fire if it is left on hot engine and exhaust components. You should get a leak fixed as soon as you see one. Otherwise, you could need to replace an engine in the future.

Symptoms of Bad Valve Cover

An exterior oil leak could be a sign that a valve cover needs to be replaced. Additionally, a lower oil level than planned would result from this. You might also detect something burning, depending on where the oil is leaking. Various symptoms of a bad valve cover are as follows:

External Oil Leak

Oil leaks are the main problem with a defective valve cover. There are numerous issues that result in huge oil puddles on your driveway, but this might not be one of them. Alternatively, you might only notice a tiny amount of oil leaking through the valve cover, but that’s enough to show that there is an issue.

More oil may be dripping from the valve cover if it has a sizable crack or hole in it. However, it’s more likely to spray from the cover than from the pool below. You should pay close attention to any region that appears to be missing a bolt or screw when visually inspecting the valve cover.

Low Oil Level

A natural dip in the fluid happens when there is an oil spill. You might see the oil level drop very quickly, depending on how bad the leak is. In this instance, the leak ought to be easy to see. You shouldn’t ever run out of motor oil or drive with it at a dangerously low level since your engine requires it to stay oiled. The engine might seize if you do, in which case you would have to replace it.

Oil in Spark Plug Wells

To keep oil out of inappropriate places, the valve cover is placed on the cylinder head. Oil seeps into the cylinders below when the valve cover or gasket is defective, leaving greasy plugs behind. The contact between the spark plug and the ignition coil may weaken if there is too much oil on the plugs, which can lead to engine misfires, which we will discuss presently.

Misfiring Engine

Performance concerns will be apparent if there is oil leaking into the spark plug wells and fouling develops. Misfiring will unavoidably occur if the spark plugs can’t properly ignite. Additionally, the engine will run poorly. If the spark plugs can’t ignite, the engine may not start at all under extreme circumstances. In either case, you need to get an engine that is misfiring checked out at once to avoid getting stuck.

Dashboard Warning Lights

The dashboard warning lights are intended to alert you to any issues. Oil-level warning lights are available on newer automobiles. The low oil level indicator might turn on if there is a leak. This oil warning light alerts you that the engine’s pressure is insufficient. Depending on the issues the valve cover is creating, you can also notice the Check Engine Light. For instance, you would probably observe stored faults for this issue if there was a misfire.


Every car’s engine needs valve covers because they close any gaps between the cylinder head and head, preventing oil leaks from around the valves. It is crucial to make sure the parts are put together correctly using high-quality parts designed especially for that vehicle’s make and model; otherwise, you run the danger of poor performance or even the failure of particular engine components.



George enjoys spending time at home with his wife and kids. He likes to share his knowledge about home improvement and gardening with others. Hyrum is a veteran of the US Navy, and he likes to use his skills to help others.

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