Maximizing Your iPhone’s Potential with a Broken Home Button

A broken home button on your iPhone can appear to be a large setback, making your mobile useless until you get it repaired or replaced. However, there can be a possible smart workaround that lets you retain the use of your iPhone seamlessly even when having home button broken. Thanks to iOS’ AssistiveTouch function, you could still get access to important capabilities without a completely operational home button.

Identifying iPhone Models with a Home Button

To successfully deal with problems related to the home button’s functionality, it is important to understand which iPhone series is built with a physical home button. The iPhone series was equipped with a physical home button until its discontinuation with the launch of the iPhone X.

Apple phones had a physical home button from iPhone 1st Gen till the iPhone 8 Plus then Apple reintroduced the home button with the release of the iPhone SE3 in 2022. Presently, it stands as the only iPhone version supplied by means of Apple that also contains a physical button. Other iPhone series have transitioned away from this feature, adopting Face ID and an on-screen home button instead.

Causes of Apple iPhone Home Button Failure

The Apple iPhone’s home button may encounter failure due to various factors, and understanding these is crucial for finding appropriate solutions. Common reasons for home button failure include:

  • Physical Damage

    Accidental drops or high pressure influences can cause misalignment or fractures inside the internal parts, resulting in unresponsiveness or erratic functioning of the home button.
  • Wear and Tear

    Regular use may additionally lead to the deterioration of the home button’s internal parts, lowering sensitivity. Accumulated particles can exacerbate the problem as well.
  • Software Glitches

    Occasional software system faults or bugs can have an effect on the home button’s capability, inflicting delays or unresponsiveness. Conflicts with third-party apps may contribute to these issues.
  • Water Damage

    Exposure to moisture can harm the home button’s sensitive components, leading to malfunction and potential long-term issues if not addressed promptly.
  • Hardware Issues

    Problems within the iPhone’s internal components, such as loose cable connections or worn-out contacts, can disrupt communication and cause button failure.
  • Dust and Debris

    Accumulated dust and debris around the home button can impair its movement and accuracy, causing a gritty or sticky sensation during usage.

Hidden Potential of AssistiveTouch

The AssistiveTouch functions for your iPhone transform a restricting state into an opportunity to explore and enhance your device’s features. By seamlessly integrating virtual/digital buttons into your user experience, you’ll discover that your iPhone stays a powerful device, despite a broken home button. So, do not let a hardware hiccup restrain you, embrace AssistiveTouch and get to know the actual ability of your iPhone.

Effortless Navigation with AssistiveTouch

With AssistiveTouch activated, a small button will appear along the edge of your iPhone’s screen. This button is not constant in place; you can tap and drag it to your preferred position along the display screen. Whenever you tap this button, the AssistiveTouch menu will gracefully appear on your home screen.

The versatility of the AssistiveTouch menu extends far beyond simply replicating the home button’s functions. It opens up a world of possibilities by consolidating various actions into one easily accessible menu. Whether you need to access the Control Center without swiping up or prefer a more straightforward method for specific functions, AssistiveTouch has you covered.

Enabling AssistiveTouch: A Simple Guide

So, let’s get to know the simple yet powerful world of AssistiveTouch and discover how to make the most out of it when your home button is not functioning.

Navigate to General Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone and head to the “General” section. This is the gateway to a range of accessibility features that can enhance your iPhone experience.

Access Accessibility Settings

Within the General settings, locate and tap on “Accessibility.” This is where you’ll find various features designed to make your iPhone more user-friendly.

Enter AssistiveTouch Settings

Once in the Accessibility settings, seek out the “AssistiveTouch” option. This is the key to unlocking a virtual Home button that will serve as a viable alternative.

Enable AssistiveTouch

You’ll find a straightforward toggle for AssistiveTouch. Tap it to turn on this feature, initiating a virtual button that provides access to critical functions.

Customize Your Virtual Button

Explore the customization options available for the AssistiveTouch menu. Tap any icon to change its function, tailoring the virtual button to suit your preferences and needs.

  • Toggling the switch next to “AssistiveTouch” activates this invaluable feature.
  • Tap on any icon within the AssistiveTouch menu to personalize its function.
  • A new screen unfolds, presenting a diverse selection of actions to assign to each icon.
  • Need more options? Tap the “+” symbol to add two more icons for a total of eight, or use the “-” symbol to streamline your menu.
  • Assign a specific action to the AssistiveTouch button by applying 3D Touch, essentially doubling your potential functions.

Expand Functionality

Want more functions on your AssistiveTouch menu? You can add up to two additional buttons, providing a total of 8 functions accessible with a tap. Alternatively, streamline the menu by reducing the number of buttons.

Leverage 3D Touch

Maximize the capabilities of the AssistiveTouch button by assigning actions to 3D Touch. This means that a hard press on the virtual button can invoke specific actions, offering an additional layer of functionality.

Repairing or replacing the iPhone Home Button

In the event that the absence of a physical iPhone home button significantly impacts user experience, there are two viable options: repairing or replacing the malfunctioning button or upgrading to a newer iPhone model.


For a device with a malfunctioning physical home button, consider seeking professional repair services. Depending on the issue, this may involve fixing or replacing the iPhone home button.


If you possess an older iPhone featuring a physical home button and seek the advantages of a newer model, opting for a device without an iPhone home button could be a suitable choice. While this may incur higher costs, it proves to be a more worthwhile investment. When contemplating an upgrade, explore trade-in and upgrade options available through your carrier or Apple Store.


Facing a faulty Home button on your iPhone may seem daunting, but iOS’s AssistiveTouch feature offers a smart workaround for seamless usage. Recognizing the causes of Home button failure and the capabilities of AssistiveTouch is crucial for maximizing your device’s potential without a fully operational physical button. Whether exploring AssistiveTouch or opting for a repair or upgrade, empower yourself to make the most of your iPhone’s capabilities.



George enjoys spending time at home with his wife and kids. He likes to share his knowledge about home improvement and gardening with others. Hyrum is a veteran of the US Navy, and he likes to use his skills to help others.

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